Welcome To
140th Anniversary Celebration of SGHSC

We proudly present to you, the 140th anniversary celebration program of our alma mater on
09th December 2022 at St. Gregory’s High School and College premises.
Celebrate the Gregorian legacy. Come, join us, be a part of the history.


About The Event

The school was founded in 1882 by Father Gregory De Groote, a Belgian Benedictine priest. Since then St. Gregory's High School and College has become a name of tradition , a name of glory. From 1882 to 2022 it has been a legacy of leadership. St. Gregory's has now stepped into its third century, second millennium and one hundred and fortieth year. Happy 140th Anniversary to our beloved Alma Mater.


St. Gregory's High School and College 82, Municipal Office Street, Luxmibazar, Dhaka 1100


09th December 2022, Friday


Here are some of our events news and activities

Event Schedule

Here is our event schedule


Speech by Guests

Cultural Performance by Current students

Stage Play



Inauguration of Archive Gallery

Cultural Performance by Gregorians

Guest Appearances and Performance

Light and Sound Show

Thematic Dance Show

Concert, Dinner, DJ Show

Event Venue

Event venue location info and gallery

St. Gregory’s High School and College

St. Gregory’s High School and College is one of the oldest and most recognized revolutionary educational institute of Bangladesh. It was founded on 1882 by Father Gregory De Groote, a Belgian Benedictine priest. The school is currently located at 82 Municipal Office Street, Luxmibazar, Dhaka-1100. The students of this school are the ones known as the "Gregorians".


Some Keypoints of the Cultural Program


Contact Us


St. Gregory's High School and College
82, Municipal Office Street, Luxmibazar, Dhaka 1100
